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Buncee for Valentine's Day

Buncee is one of my all-time favorite easy-to-use Web 2.0 sites/apps for education.  This site w/ educational portal allows a user to create anything they can think of on a digital canvas (i.e. presentation, eCard, greeting, story, and more).  These beautiful looking projects can contain any type of media, from video, audio, text, clip art, etc, and can be embedded into a site or blog.  Finally, educational portal allows educators to manage/track student accounts, and even comment on them in a safe environment.  Teachers are using Buncee for Project Based Learning, to "flip" a lesson, for digital storytelling, and much much more.

Below is a Valentine's Day example...

I highly recommend checking out Buncee by clicking here!!!!

*Buncee is an advertiser of Technology Tidbits.

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