Vocab Victor
*Be Sure to enter Vocab Victor's latest giveaway to win in-game "charms" that can be used to buy word lists, skip words, etc. 1 Android winner & 1 iOS winner each!!!
Vocab Victor is a free innovative mobile (iOS/Android) app for building vocabulary words/skills that is ideal for ESL/ELL. Vocab Victor uses "game based learning" to help students develop their vocabulary through 4 different styles of games through 11 levels. These games offer high replay as well as different varieties of game play, such as: matching, sorting, targeting, and more. Best of all, Vocab Victor assesses and adapts words to each student's vocabulary level in real-time.
Below is a brief demo...
I highly recommend checking out Vocab Victor by clicking here!!!
Download Vocab Victor for free here!!!
*Vocab Victor is an advertiser of Technology Tidbits.
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