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Review: The Elder Scrolls: Blades (Nintendo Switch)

Review by Matt S. 

I know I'm late to the party with this one, but The Elder Scrolls: Blades has just released on Nintendo Switch, and as I had not played the mobile release previously, this is all new to me. Usually, I avoid reviewing free-to-play games, as the "purchase advice" side of game criticism isn't really relevant when the thing is free to access. However, Blades is so utterly vile in what it represents to the artistry of games, and the way that developers and publishers think about their art, that I just have to talk about it. I'm not amused. No, worse, I'm insulted. Blades is the perfect example of why the focus of content that people in this industry have is so utterly destructive to what is meant to be an art form. Even certain pundits that dislike Blade actively support its existence with their obsession with using the word "content" to frame their thoughts around games and that, right there, is the biggest problem this medium faces of all.

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