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Review: Desperados III (Sony PlayStation 4)

Review by Matt S.

I started playing Desperados III without having done too much research ahead of time. I know about the series itself, of course, but the last one of those was back in 2007, and it was produced by the now-defunct Spellbound Entertainment. That’s a long time ago and this new one is clearly looking to revive the series with a new developer at the helm, Mimimi Games. So I started playing Desperados III, and something immediately struck me as familiar about it; it looked and felt much like another stealth-focused tactics game that I had played a few years ago in Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun. Different settings, of course, with one being Edo-era Japan and the other being the American wild west, but the heritage and familiarity between the two was immediately there. Lo and behold, as it turns out Mimimi Games was indeed behind Shadow Tactics too. It’s effectively the only name working in this particular type of tactics strategy thing, so it’s just as well for us all that Mimimi Games really knows its stuff.

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