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Spiral is a innovative suite of educational tools for the classroom. Below is a summary of their press release...

"Spiral is a suite of free collaborative classroom tools for 1:1 devices and can be accessed anywhere, anytime with just a browser and internet connection. There are 3 apps - each designed for different types of activities. 

Quickfire is great for quizzes, class warm-ups and getting rapid responses from students. The students just need to log in on their personal devices to answer questions or use the canvas feature to annotate or draw their responses.

Discuss works well for encouraging class discussions, collaboration, and engaging the whole class. Teachers can either upload a presentation or make one from scratch before adding questions to generate relevant conversation.

Team Up is best for facilitating group work and getting students to work together. Teachers can assign students to groups, appoint a team leader, and set a problem for each group to solve. The students can then research and contribute their ideas to the team leader, who will assemble the team’s ideas in the form of a presentation. Students can go on to present their ideas on the whiteboard and critique each other’s work.

Finally, Spiral allows you to access your lesson data from your interactions which makes it much easier to carry out formative assessment and monitor student progress accurately!"

Below is a demo...

I highly recommend checking out Spiral by clicking here!!!

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