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What makes a game memorable?

Opinion by Matt S. 

Earlier this week, Nintendo hosted a mini-direct, and while the announcements didn't necessarily go down well with everyone, there were some real gems in there. One of the big ones was the announcement of a remake of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (or Lucifer's Call in some markets). That game holds a powerful resonance with me, as it was one of the first games I ever reviewed in my over-15 year career in criticism (and it was the first time I was quoted on a game's box, which was a proud moment indeed for a junior writer). But in reminiscing about that game I got to thinking: just what is it that makes a game memorable? I'm not just talking about something that's fun to pick up and replay in a year, or even five - I'm talking about what makes a game the kind of thing that people are still talking about, and clamouring for a remake of, 17 years after its initial release. 
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