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Beauty and wellness with a purpose

Shopping online has been the norm since the start of the pandemic due to its convenience. People can now easily purchase items and have them delivered without leaving their homes.

Beauty Scout enters this thriving market offering beauty, lifestyle and wellness options to customers. But with a plethora of options nowadays, what makes this new platform standout?

Beauty Scout co-founder Rhoda Aldanese (center) with marketing and merchandising director Rochelle Romero (left), and Sarah Romero

Beauty Scout co-founder, Rhoda Aldanese pointed to their rituals package, where a set of products is sold in boxed items.

"Ours was born more on our passion and love of the industry. So we needed to create a movement where rituals are very important. You need to create that habit to get results. So we reward clients with better prices if they get the rituals package. That way we know they want to really take care of themselves."

Beauty Scout places a huge emphasis on health. The platform believes that beauty is beyond skin deep and nourishing what's inside is important when buying products. With such passion for inner beauty that translates to outer glow, The Manila Times asked Aldanese what prompter her to conceptualized and realized the platform.

"There was just too much white noise about beauty and wellness and we feel we needed to curate, edit and simplify it. The paradox of choice can become very tricky," Aldense revealed.

Beyond skin deep

Meanwhile, Rochelle Romero, marketing and merchandise director of Beauty Scout, shared what Beauty Scout aims to do besides providing top notch products and services.

"What sets us apart is the belief that beauty is beyond skin deep and nourishing what's within is of utmost importance. Which is why giving back to the community is a big part of our brand values," said Romero said.

"Through the initiative of our Scout For A Cause, when you purchase from the site, a bigger percentage is given to our chosen organizations: Bright Faces, iCanServe, STEPS Scholarship Foundation, and Voice of the Free, so we reward them two-fold.. for themselves and for others as well," she added.

Beauty Scout also collaborated with local producers to foster economic growth.

"We want to move to 'that awesome shift' too towards the environment so we are slowly making steps towards that. We started expanding our #WeScoutedLocal assortment so we are able to help local farmers and entrepreneurs plus the small businesses like ours and those who do fair labor practice. We do a lot of collaborations with our local brands especially those into health and wellness like creating or packaging items exclusively sold at Beauty Scout," Romero furthered.

"We felt that we have been bombarded so much with products and choices. A site that speaks purely from the heart and having a purpose with no hidden agenda. It was simply just the right thing to do. Scout for a Cause made our purpose greater and that's the reason we pursued launching," Aldanese finally added.

Source: TheManila Times

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