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Breaking News


*Newlearn.io will send out gift cards to the teachers that share their Facebook postings w/ their warm messages.  Show the support for the teachers by doing the copy-and-paste the link below. 
  • When? June 10th-June 14th, announce on the 16th.
  • Who?  A teacher a day wins the giveaway. (First come, First served)
  • bit.ly/3hieQ1R

Newlearn.io is a excellent new social network for finding educational resources.  Newlearn.io curates their resources by common core standards and allows users to share (download/upload) files such as: videos, documents, PDFs, and more.  Best of all, the social networking aspects makes it easy to rate, comment, and collaborate w/ other educators to engage in best teaching resources and strategies.

Below is a brief demo...

I highly recommend checking out Newlearn.io by clicking here!!!

*Newlearn.io is an advertiser of Technology Tidbits.

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